In Civil Turf profitability believe in economic, social and environmental development of our projects.
Green Cities and Urban Agriculture. The SmartGreen City as part of a sustainable urban ecosystem.
Agronomy predictive for increased profitability of farms.
Conserve water and soil is the best investment for sustainable economic growth.
Quality and performance for sports and nature
Civil Turf: Agronomic Projects Engineering
We are an engineering and agronomic consulting projects company, specializing in the optimization of resources involved in agricultural systems, sports field surfaces and environmental systems.
Civil Turf is focused on improving their productivity and profitability through feasibility studies that include innovation and development processes and management models.
The natural grass prairies bring benefits to the environment and provide sports facilities...
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Agroecosystems improve social and economic when subject to future strategy and viability...
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The parks and gardens in the city are key elements of the urban ecosystem and therefore...
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